Monday, September 19, 2011

20 ways to lick an armadillo and not get leprosy:

I had a hard time titling this piece. I want to convey a series of waypoints that illustrate why republican ideas are so fucked up.

   specifically separation of church and state:
    when religion —mine, not yours— is enforced by the nation, none will be spared. why would I let you enforce your religion through state. I simply illustrate that if I have my way I will take it all. giving someone else's superstition the might of law probably wouldnt be a good idea either.

big guv'ment
   exactly what the fuck do you think the military is?

   exactly, what is the market? if you cant answer that then you have no place in this discourse. there are things we consider property and things we cannot consider property. property can be exchanged and traded. if it were a "free" market then EVERYTHING could be traded. including people, traded as slaves —or worse: food. clearly we dont even want a "free' market.
anyone who proposes that they do want that style of atrocity get to be the first slaves —or hamburger meat.

self-made man
    feral humans are self-made and they barely resemble a human. go figure...

low taxes make good-time happy-fun perfect-world feeley-squirts
    watch or read "Lord of the Flies". I might expand on this later.

war is peace
    guns. guns are a lot like poison. it is easy to salt the earth with guns. suggesting that mutually assured destruction is a perfect deterrent are not using their brain's critical thinking capacity. weapons do not get aimed at one another in a perfect symmetry. guns are a tool used by the wealthy to exploit the poor —in more ways than one. this is a cacophony of exploitation and phallic extension. there is not one way that increasing our inhumanity towards one another is somehow good. 

wealthy people are good
   job creators: bullshit. why is thin logic allowed anymore? there arent job creators anymore than there are gravity creators. gravity just is there —until other evidence proves otherwise. jobs are attracted to multiple sources of motivation. not just wealthy people's whimsical desires. jobs invent themselves based on desires of base: hunger, shelter, sex, friends / reputation, enlightenment. any of this making a pattern? ICanHasMaslow anyone?

conversely; poor people are bad
   those who do not demand respect will be given none. even those that are weakened by acts of the gods are not exempt. giving the wealth hoarders anything to point at is begging to be trampled upon.

Ronald Reagan is a great man
   great men are often caricatures that resemble less and less reality as the desires, technology and opportunities of the people change. I desire that people learn of EVERYTHING that Reagan did: Iran-Contra traitorous acts, unleashing the US military (including the CIA) and the private sector Chicago Boys, on South American nations —directly leading to mass deaths, torture, disappearances, rape, enslavement (basically the worst parts of the bible).

Homosexuality is unnatural
   just how many homosexual creatures does nature —or god, if youre ignorant— have to create before you realize that they are part of the natural landscape.
lets actually explore that one... if youre not gay you probably cant even imagine being gay. if youre a man you probably cant imagine being a woman. if youre white you probably cant imagine being black. if youre short you probably cant imagine being tall. if youre young you probably cant imagine being old. theres a lot of shit you cant even imagine. quit pretending that somehow you know better!