Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2011/02/22 - Rant

people who sided themselves wit Egypt's Mubarak regime would normally also self identify as Tea Party Republicans. the people who sided with President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia also Republicans. the people who reject calls for democracy in all protests, all revolutions, are in essence sided with dictators. Tea Party Republicans side with dictatorships.

and now its happening in Libya. but why the sudden silence by the Tea Partiers? did they finally figure out how stupid they sound?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2011/02/20 - Rant

now I'm sick of this bullshit.
Wisconsin's authoritarian republicans are launching a fight against contract law. the law only affects people who sell their labor. based on their fucked up world-view, if you attempt to get a better contract by bargaining with other people, who also are selling their labor, it prevents that type on contract from being enforceable through the justice system. if you have money you are allowed to pool it in any way, in fact you can pool it in ways that defy reason, logic or math. in fact you can even pool and sell other peoples labor through temp agencies. but those same temporary workers will not be able to do the EXACT same thing on their own.

now where else are authoritarian republicans preventing contracts?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2010/02/16 - Rant

my brain is trying to wrap around a very troubling uneasiness since the Egyptian political deconstruction. I have a feeling that the jobs situation in the US right now is connected to that turmoil, moving from a slow boil to a rolling boil. the current labor union conflicts in Wisconsin illustrate little more than the hatred of any middle class job security: 1 - by the jealous poor who lack security in their own jobs, and 2 - by the greedy wealthy who would gain ever greater wealth by the middle class' slide into poverty and insecurity.

President Obama complains that he cant get things done. FDR hired people to just answer phones at the Whitehouse, for no good reason except a paycheck. just kept hiring people. for no good reason. dig a hole, now fill it back up again. Obama cannot force the Legislative branch to hire people but he can hire people through the executive branch. he is shirking the use of executive responsibility —even the use of Executive Order— to MAKE things happen if the legislative is deadlocked or is actively destructive to the interests of the Citizens. (yes, we know that the militia nutjobs will freak out and buy more guns. yes, we know the legislative will impeach him.) yes, we know ALL of their freak out symptoms. but they are already freaking out anyway, without even one significant effort on behalf of the progressives. the healthcare and credit reforms lost almost every progressive reform in the form of insulting "compromises".
watching Obama do next to nothing is making me ill. the stroke of his pen can create 10 million jobs in electrical windmill factories, mag-lev high speed rail infrastructure, solar-electric farms... even lame ass phone banks like the 1930s.

PNAC waited for a Pearl Harbor like event to ramp up the authoritarian conservative social engineering projects. and we are looking at a Great Depression like event to ramp up our new, New Deal. but instead we are being gutted like fish.

fuck. we still havent even rebuilt New Orleans! this shit is disturbing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ayn Rand fanboy project

if Atlas holds up the world, what holds up Atlas?
there is a reason that Atlas is, in the modern term, an absurd mythical being. Atlas is not a caricature of an honorable struggle. it is a representation of defeat and punishment. Atlas was sentenced to perform this task. he did not take the sky on his shoulders for good —let alone for profit. the absurdity multiplies exponentially when the fanboys attempt to convince you to want to be Atlas —or John Galt 3ʳᵈ earl of somesuch whats-his-face.

in all seriousness, the Ayn Rand fanboy project* wants to unleash the transnational aristocrats on us. they want to condemn each and every man, woman and child to a gladiator fight with the corporations —collective bargains of wealth— one on one, for all eternity. the snake-oil they are selling is that you, the middle class peons, can do it on your own if only the pesky government would just get out of the way (no mention of aristocratic billionaires).
when was the last time you actually negotiated a contract? not signed. negotiated. you listed out your terms and they were actually written into a contract. not since elementary school I'll bet. you all remember the my slave for a day contracts with your sister or brother. well, those werent very good terms back then and the terms offered by the billionaires now are not very good terms either. the result? you do not have the time, wealth or infrastructure it takes to protect yourself. not from being nickeled and dimed to death, and you are being nickeled and dimed to death right now. each arbitrary clause, binding arbitration, and ipso facto you find in every contract is not written there to help you; it is there to hurt† or rob from you. what the Ayn Rand fanboys are selling is myth. when land ownership and parceling began the free market ended (read Thomas Paine). you can not do it on your own unless you are a land owner. if you think a mortgage on a house on a 1/3 of an acre is "owning land" you are living in a fantasy world, a schizophrenic Ayn Rand themepark. you will watch your savings dwindle and peter away until you have nothing. you imagined through your life that you would build an empire to bequeath to your children. instead you end up in hospice alone, despised by the free-market fundies you once considered ideological allies. your children will grind out their own meager 9to5 existence among the wolves you helped feed.
that is Ayn Rand's version of success, just not your success.

* credit to Dennis G. —Balloon-Juice.com— February 12, 2011
† the greater your pain / fear the greater the wealth transfer from poor to rich.